Entireopathic Medicine is the Medical Science Encompassing all the Sciences Pertaining to Human Healing Including but not Limited to Allopathic Medicine, Chinese Traditional Medicine, Natural Medicine, Homeopathy, Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Psychology, and any other Descipline that has been Scientifically Proven to have Benefits in the Process of Human Wellness such as Hypnotherpay, Spirituality and Yoga.
I was born and grew up in medicine and my brand parents on both sides for generations were spiritual teachers. I have been devouring both health science and spirituality related information science I can recall.
Eventually in 1996 I decided that the practice of Spirituality in the process of healing had an official place, and I officially called it Psychospiritual Medicine. I trade marked the name “PsychoSpiritual Medicine” in 1998, as an official name for this field of science as I knew one day I would be teaching it, except I did not know when God would make it so!
Since I can remember, I have been infatuated with the human body, its incredible mechanisms and inner workings. I always felt that the field of medicine, and the human body’s related sciences were my life’s work.
My father who was a philanthropist and had a clinic at the end of the yard in our home would have tens of patients waiting for him in his waiting room all day, meaning in our yard, which was my playground as well.
I was only an infant and basically, I was raised among patients, the sick, and the ailing, witnessing their pain and suffering, their hurt and cries, the smell of blood and watching their tears, seeing various medical related things, noticing the smell of things like alcohol and cleaning solutions that they used to wipe off surfaces, and the sound of patients crying in pain and all of it. I grew up with all of that.
That was my life since I was born.
On the weekends, my father and the rest of the medical team would go to the missions in the vilages to take medicine and provide healthcare to those who had no access. I would go with them. The experiences were life-changing.
*Spirituality, *Medicine, *Service to Humanity, * Love for Others, * Continuous Learning, * Medicine,
Hence, it should not surprise anyone that I grew up loving to learn everything about the human body and anything that had to do with it! I wanted to know everything, so I learned about medicine, surgery, natural medicine, homeopathy, acupressure, holistic medicine, anti-aging medicine, and in short, everything that I could get my hand on! As I was attending medical school, I also completed a Naturopathic Doctorate Degree Program and received my ND degree as well, so I graduated with an MD, ND, and later I studied Antiaging Medicine which happens to be an amazing field of specialty on its own and sat for its board exam.
I also studied Laser Medicine and Surgery and General Medicine and Surgery and Urgent Care.
I worked as a hospitalist and a general practitioner for several years. I also received further training in surgery and practiced surgery for years after.
Eventually later in 1998, I decided that the true answer to healing the human body could not be found in any one pill or science. It could not be owned by any school of thought. The human body is way too incredible and amazing of a creation to be limited by any regulatory body or scientific school of thought. I came to realize that the only way to truly understand healing sciences, one must take away all limits and make scientific boundaries the limit. That is all. Anything that scientifically and statistically proves to benefit the human body and not harm it, must have a place in the armamentarium of a healing professional and the medical science. As a name for the science that I thought would be a complete global approach to the inclusive practice of medicine, with the inclusion of PsychoSpiritual Medicine, I chose the name EntireoPathic Medicine and trademarked the name in 1998.
I had started to talk about Transformation and EntireoPathic Medicine and PsychoSpiritual Medicine and all these concepts that were in my mind at the time, but the problem was that in the early 1990’s, when I was talking about Transformation, and my organization was called Transformation Institute and my concepts of teaching were Entireopathic Medicine and PsychoSpiritual Medicine, the world was definatley not ready for any of this. I was also talking about Messiah International and they looked at me funny! They really thought I had lost my mind!
That is a problem that I have to this day, which actually is pretty frustrating when people don’t get me! I imagine most people would feel the same to some degree when you think about it!? It gets frustrating when you have to explain yourself almost a million times, and they still don't get it! That is why I do better writing things down!
After the thousanth time I get flusterred and I speak too fast, and people tend to not process my words as fast as the words come out!
I do better when I put them down on paper. I get to slow down, and don’t get frustrated as much! People tend to understand what I am trying to get across much better.
The other philosophy that is an incredible philosophy in my mind, and I intend to teach heavily is the philosophy of Lion Pride Leadership Philosophy. It is the concept of Leadership based on the Alpha Male Lion Pride Leader’s method of leading and caring for his pride through accountability and service.
Lion Pride Leaders are those rare souls who embrace the “Lion Pride Leadership Philosophy” who stand for the sake of the world and humanity! In a lion pride, the lion pride leader is the largest male lion with the attitude of responsibility for the security, safety, and welfare of that entire pride.
He protects and defends that pride’s interest and territory, even at his own expense.
Although in a lion pride all members of the pride have a leadership role by nature, the Lion Pride Leader Seemingly has the Genetic Programing (spiritual DNA) to feel Accountability for the Welfare and Continuation of the Life of that Lion Pride to the Next Generation.
Although he is the strongest of the lions in the pride, and he can use his strength to bully and push the other lions in the pride around, and hurt them, instead, the Alpha male lion pride leader protects the lion pride cubs, females and all the lion pride against all dangers, putting himself in between any danger and the pride.
If there is a predator or any risk facing the territory, he is there to defend the pride, risking his own life, sacrificing, and often dying, defending his pride. He is an example of “The 1% Leaders” in human terms.
Similarly, “The 1% Leaders” emerge who, although are also dealing with their own humanness and imperfections, seem to have an inner nature with a calling to stand for the welfare of the whole human pride. These are ordinary people, the average individuals, the type of which exist in every walk of life. They tend to be everyday folks that suddenly show up, having been dealing with their everyday humanness, and show a new side of themselves that impacts the world. They too, may at their own cost, for the sake of humanity, stand for what’s right, and do what is to the best interest of humanity!
They choose not to be indifferent like the rest. These individuals, although a minuscule fraction of the population, are the torchbearers of compassion, wisdom, and the truth, especially when they feel that their presence matters most.
They impact the world from a place of love, care, responsibility, and accountability for others, impacting the world positively, while by their decisions, and their behaviors they make a change, that is often so impactful that makes a permanent impression in human history. www.MessiahInternationalFoundation.com
Entireopathic Medicine Eliminates the need to choose Pharmaceuticals Versus Neutroceuticals; Natural Medicines Versus Allopathic Medicine; Chinese Traditional Medicine Versus Osteopathic Wholistic Approach; Spirituality Versus Psychology; or to make any other decision of sort, because in the case of Entireopathic Medicine every one of the Healthing Methodologies that have Scientific Grounds, have a place in the practice of caring for patients.