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History and definition of Chinese Medicine in America and the world

Daniel Davidson, MD, MBA


The method of creating potentized homeopathic tinctures, sometimes referred to as homeopathic medicines or dilutions, involves dilution and succussing (shaking or beating) minute amounts of bioactive substances in a liquid solvent, typically water or alcohol. This process, which is believed to enhance the therapeutic advantages of homeopathic remedies, is crucial to their production, according to the principles of homeopathy.

The typical procedure for making homeopathic tinctures is as follows:

Choosing the Source Material:

A variety of source materials, such as plants, minerals, animal products, and even disease compounds, are used to make homeopathic tinctures. The source material is chosen based on the individual’s symptoms or condition compatibility as well as its alleged therapeutic properties.

Making Mother Tincture:

First, the bioactive ingredient from the parent material is extracted by macerating it with alcohol or another solvent to create a mother tincture. In order to extract the substance’s medical qualities and maintain their efficacy, the solvent serves as a medium.

Serial Dilution:

Following preparation, the mother tincture is diluted several times, usually in a ratio of 1:10 or 1:100. One component of the mother tincture, for instance, is diluted with nine or ninety-nine parts of the solvent (water or alcohol). Several iterations of this procedure are needed to reach the required dilution.


The diluted solution is succussed, or violently shaken or beaten, following each stage of dilution. Succussion is thought to infuse the mixture with vitality and enhance the treatment by unleashing its therapeutic qualities. It is believed that the force of succussion enhances the substance’s medicinal benefits by imprinting the energy signature of the substance onto the solvent.


The dilution and succussion processes are repeated several times, frequently leading to very high dilutions at which the original material is no longer discernible in the finished product. As the energetic imprint of the material gets more concentrated, the strength of the cure increases with increasing dilution, according to homeopathic principles.

The ideas of “like cures like” and “minimum dose” are the theoretical basis for the efficacy of homeopathic tinctures. The theory of homeopathy states that when greatly diluted and potentized drugs that induce symptoms in healthy individuals are given to others with similar diseases or symptoms, they can trigger the body’s natural healing reaction.

It is thought that the dilution procedure preserves the original substance’s energy qualities while eliminating any toxic or detrimental effects. Succussion is believed to boost the remedy’s medicinal benefits and awaken its energetic potential. According to homeopathy, the substance’s energetic imprint interacts with life energy, or the body’s vital force, to heal and restore equilibrium and health.

It’s crucial to remember that homeopathy may not have scientific backing and functions on different principles than traditional medicine. Even though some people have had good results with homeopathic treatments, the medical world is still debating and researching the effectiveness of homeopathy.