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Welcome To Iconic.Dr Of Beverly Hills, Shane Sheibani!

We're Here To Elevate Your Awareness!

This Site Is About Perseverance!

Sharing The Lessons I Have Learned
From Life, Through The School Of Hard

The Thrill Of The Pursuit! The Joy Of The Achievement! The Pain Of The Crash! The Strength To Rise Again! The Lessons That I Learned From The Pursuit Of My Dreams, The Challenges, My Struggles, My Triumphs, And The Poor Choices That I Made!

Setting the Record Straight About Fake Reviews & Fake News!

Too Many Allegations, False Claims, Name-Calling, Misrepresentations & Flat-Out Lies Out There, to Ignore!

We know that anyone can make any allegation about anyone, make false claims, and even make up lies, calling lies “Reviews”, or “News”! The question is, can they prove their claims? That is the test!

Intentionally making statements on the World Wide Web, on any platform, and in any format online, to hurt, harass, and cause pain to another person is “Cyberbullying”!

Cyberbullying is a Crime!

Those who engage in any type of “Cyberbullying” are “Cybercriminals”!

Certain “Fake Reviews”, “Maliciously Edited Videos”, and “Fake News” are Cyberbullying too, and most likely a Crime!

They Deserve Firm Responses Online, as well as Legal Actions, in addition to Criminal Charges when Appropriate! 

“Cyberbullying”, “Fake Reviews”, and “Fake News” can destroy lives as knives, swords, and guns can! 

For Example

Consumer Review Businesses who charge competing businesses for advertising!

News Stations that buy “News Segment Videos” and “News Articles” from freelance journalists, while selling ads to competing businesses.

Blogs and Social Media that are spreading information, while selling ads. (I will write articles on these subjects and how they lend themselves to the abuse of the First Amendment and Cybercriminals spreading falsehood for personal profit!)

I am taking a stand against those who create CYBERENTERPRISE for “Fake Reviews”, and “Fake News”, and those who intentionally spread information online to hurt others’ lives.

Those “Cybercriminals” who commit “Cyberbullying”, promote “Fake News”, and are involved in “Fake Review” generation business must be stopped, prosecuted, and penalized!

Why Don't Patients that go to Excellent Cosmetic Surgeons Always have the Outcomes they Want?

Idiosyncrasies of cosmetic surgery… What makes cosmetic surgery very different from any other field of surgery?

Limitations Of The Surgeon: Cosmetic surgery is an interesting field! Opposite to the common belief that the outcome of cosmetic surgeries only depends on the surgeon’s skills and abilities, that is not true.

Responsibility of the Patients to Self Educate:

It is every patient’s responsibility to educate himself/herself adequately before surgery. They must educate themselves about the limitations of a cosmetic surgeon’s abilities in general by performing the procedure that they are interested in, the limitations of the particular cosmetic surgery procedure in terms of its results, potential known complications of the surgery they are about to have, and then they would have the choice to have it or not.

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Taking full Responsibility for the Outcome:

If they do not want to take the risk of having any of the known potential complications of the surgery, they should not have the surgery whatsoever. Patients must be willing to take full responsibility for their decision and their part, which is extensive and very serious. It is a very serious decision to have cosmetic surgery. It is taking a perfectly healthy body, and putting it through invasive,

Happiness is not the Goal!

It is every patient’s responsibility to educate himself/herself adequately before surgery. They must educate themselves about the limitations of a cosmetic surgeon’s abilities in general by performing the procedure that they are interested in, the limitations of the particular cosmetic surgery procedure in terms of its results, potential known complications of the surgery they are about to have, and then they would have the choice to have it or not.

Who are the Patients Most at Risk of Complications?

You are at a greater risk of complications of cosmetic procedures if you:

Are a smoker (Tobacco, Marijuana, or anything else)

Have a weak immune system

Are HIV positive or suffer from AIDS

Do not have a healthy diet and make the right lifestyle choices You suffer from poor circulation, especially if in the area of the surgery You suffer from obesity, especially of your BMI is 30 or higher Have any chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, or other conditions that may increase your risk of surgery, bleeding or anesthesi

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